Korpse - Unethical Review
29/03/2016 15:15

Writen by Ferry Wolters for
Korpse is a brutal slamming death metal band from The Netherlands. The band was founded by drummer Marten van Kruijssen (Houwitser, Beheaded, Cliteater) in August 2013. Together with Sven van Dijk (Visionary666) as vocalist, Mart Wijnholds (DrDoom, Teethgrinder) on bass and Floor van Kuijk (Carnifloor, Fermented Masturbation) on guitar they became one of the most brutal bands in The Netherlands.
I remember reviewing their first self titled album 'Korpse' it was a digital version and it got released on disc March 2014 through Morbid Generation Records. I was blown away by it ever since i heard it the very first time.
Now.. i have the pleasure to check out their new album 'Unethical'. First the intro 'Conquer' explodes out of the speakers, right away you know what you can expect from this disc, totall brutality!
Time for 'Collateral Casualties', absolutely fucking sick.. blastbeats followed by heavy slams.
Love the sound on this, more clear and heavier than the first album.. track 3 'Incinerate' picks right up where the last one ended without any remorse or intention to slow it down.
'Deformed To The Extreme' more heavy slams, gotta love Sven's gutturals on this track.. sick as fuck!
Next up 'Stoneage' ..a fitting title for this filthy piece of caveman slam, seems like every next track i hear it gets more brutal which seems about right after listening to 'Cleaning The Aftermath'.
After 'Cannibal Warlords' a short interlude things move on with the title track 'Unethical' ..damn, i hear a lot of people saying slam death is boring, really!? Just listen to this sick masterpiece, if this doesn't entertain you and gets you moving i don't know what will. Well.. maybe the next track 'Retaliation', another ultra brutal song filled with sick gutturals, blast beats and shredding slamming riffs.
'Monastery Waste' probably one of my favourite tracks on 'Unethical' is followed by one more treat with the title 'Eternal Misery'. Fuck, it should be called Eternal Brutality, a great ending to this amazing album.
For me one of the best 2016 releases for sure, if you like your metal sick and fucking twisted this one is for you!
Rated 9/10