Trumpets Of The Apocalypse is a new band from the North of The Netherlands. The style of music they produce is a combination of hardcore-punk and a bit of thrash metal. They are ready to show you what hardcore-punk really is. Hate against politics.
By looking at the album cover you will notice the hate against Donald Trump. 10 songs smashed into 17 minutes is how the real punk should sound and Trumpets Of The Apocalypse certainly want to revive that old hardcore feeling.
Of course the hate in the album is right on top. You will notice some hate speeches from the blond president. The racial slurs of the president and the fake news quotes are noticeable and are a great mockable aspects in the music of Trumpets Of The Apocalypse.
Equipped with different styles of vocals, Trumpets Of The Apocalypse vocal wise has got a lot to offer. Death metal vocals or the hardcore vocal style you choose. The bass tone is a real standout in the album and gives the whole record a good layer of fat hate against Trump his regime.
Released by BigBadWolfRecords:

1. Intro (Hail To The Cheeto)
2. DIE!
3. Collateral Damage
4. Trump-care
5. Tax Cuts
6. Mar-A-Lago Massacre
7. Drain The Swamp
8. Fake News
9. The TURD Reich
10. Born To Die (M.D.C.)
Review done by Bonno Zwaan